The first of the lambs!
Long weekends are always welcome. Maybe not as welcome for us as for others because they do not mean a holiday, but they are a change (which is supposedly as good as…!). Pigs, cows and sheep still have to be moved and checked but at a more holiday-esque pace. This gave us more time to enjoy the antics of the lambs who do not have to do anything much at all to be completely charming.
New life is one of the greatest joys of living on a farm, but birth can also be a nail biting time when first-time mums are involved. While commemorating the birth of our glorious ruler, one of of these mums looked like she was not going to live up to the name. We had been monitoring her for a couple of hours and it looked like the whole process had stalled - possibly fatally so.
We tried to herd her into a hastily constructed yard but she did not like the idea at all. We tried in vain to catch her but despite her labour issues she was still surprisingly agile. It appeared as though our only hope was to leave, come back in a few hours when these issues had slowed her down enough and try and help her in any way we could. So we left, came back in a few hours, and a brand new lamb was lying next to her just taking its first clumsy steps!