It rained last week!

It rained last week!

May 15, 2018Sidney Johnson

Some of our white box eucalypts are heavily in flower now, a vital feed source for this time of year. These trees have attracted many birds and they are alive with rosellas, superb parrots and the loudest of them all, friarbirds. The chattering and cackling of the friarbirds will lead you to the flowering trees.

We received 21 glorious millimetres of rain at the end of last week which has been very welcome as you can probably tell. Especially because our grazing animals only ever eat the grass that grows beneath their feet - we do not feed any supplements, grains or hay. Rather, we attempt to drought-proof our farm by maximising the effectiveness of whatever rain does fall (by following holistic management principles) and matching grazing pressure to the conditions so that the land grows as much grass as possible. Basically, rain falling on healthy, living soils covered with a diverse range of grass, plants and trees will do more than rain falling on a desert.

It is not always easy, but this is what we aim for.

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